I have never seen so many mangoes, They are everywhere. We have so many trees here but there are mango trees everywhere. They are in the front yards, the back yards and anywhere that a big tree will grow.
Here at the orchard, we have several varieties of mangoes. Behind the house are two trees which bear very large fruit. This past three days we have been paring and slicing mangoes for the freezer. I did up another basin full of fruit this morning and had to take out the two litre milk cartons that I have been filling with water to keep the freezer full. Now it is filled with mangoes (and a few incidentals like chicken and fish). By the time we get tired of eating them, we can let them rest for a while, and then dish into the freezer.
This week I made a pot full of chutney. I seem to always make things by using up ingredients that I have in the fridge. This time I had four cups of water boiled with a cup of sugar. I had made this nectar for the hummingbirds but my feeder failed and I put the nectar in a jar in the fridge. This amount of liquid made the chutney too juicy, so when it was done, I scooped the fruit out with a slotted spoon and there remained a nice portion of well flavoured remains. I cut up a large portion of chicken into it, cooked the chicken and some rice, and we enjoyed a tremendous curry. This was enough for two large meals. Mel really enjoyed it, but I told her I could never duplicate it. That is the danger of cooking the way I do. I make something really tasty and I may come close another time, but it is never the same.
Yesterday a couple of men came to the orchard and picked a truck load of mango. They used a long flexible pole to pick the top fruit. It looked like it may have been bamboo. They filled crate after crate and finally loaded up their truck. It was agreed to leave the two trees by our house. That will be more mangoes than we can possibly eat. This week we should take a box full to church. Tomorrow I have to make something with pineapple. I am making pizza tonight and using one carton, but I have three more cartons in the fridge that I cooked last week. I use the half litre cartons from yogurt as fridge containers.
I will have to check to see if the ice is melting. I also store water in gallon milk jugs. We were told ahead of time this week that the water would be shut down for some hours. That was much more convenient than it has been. It didn't take us by surprise. The municipality has been laying new water lines along the roadway in front of our home. They have been making connections this week. These lines are much bigger than the puny pipes that we have been using. Modernization is coming to the rural areas. It is slow, but we see progress.
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