Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Chapter 24 - Victor at Work

This morning Victor came out to the orchard to do a little work out here.  They are still spraying the mango trees.
His first stop was the house, and we had the normal Spanish greeting (a big hug and a kiss on the cheek).  I love the warmth of the people.  I had just started my morning hot chocolate, so I asked if he would like one, and he was very agreeable.
Sitting around the little table, it was an informal Spanish/English lesson.  I think that Victor would really like to learn English.  We did a lot of stumbling and stammering but we were able to communicate.
When I was heating the water for his chocolate with the little one cup heater that I use, he was interested in what it was I used.  I don’t think he had seen one like that.  I am very thankful that I had presence of mind to bring that tool with my cutlery.  It is just right for the two of us.
Then it was off to work, and Melaney accompanied him to the shed in the back yard to retrieve some bananas.  I was completely out.  I had used the last of the batch to make banana muffin bread in the toaster oven.  It works very well.  The only thing they need is some walnuts.  I tried in the Price Smart store, but they don’t have walnuts here.  They had pecans, but the price was enough to scare you.  All the import goods are pricey.
I decided to plant some more seeds.  I wet the ground while I was watering the roses and cucumbers.  I put in some nasturtiums, some more beets, and decided to dig four of my tomato plants into the ground.  I figured out why their growth had slowed to a halt.  The soil they were in was just too solid.  It should have had some perlite, or something like it to loosen up the soil enough for the tender tomato root.  I don’t know how they will do in the garden itself.  So far my cucumber plants, and squash are doing well.  Also, the weeds and the ants thrive.  This grass that is abundant here, and very green, is like a creeping grass that I fought in the gardens in Canada.  It has a broad leaf for grass, and seeds prolifically.  It could never be stopped here.  I try to pull it away from the small space by the house that I have plants growing, but I know it is a losing cause.
I have a plant growing at the corner of the house.  It is in bloom, and very much resembles a zinnia.  There are some tiny ones growing here and there.  I will enjoy them.  Also, I have two marigold plants.  They must have been planted by the former tenant.  She was also from Kelowna……..can you beat that for coincidence?  Apparently she drove out to this house about ten days ago.  I saw a car turn around in the front driveway.  Rita said it was Natalie, who had lived here before us, and that she had cried and cried after seeing the house.  One should never go back to the house that they lived before.

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